Knowledgebase Top articles Latest articles Sign a PDF using your signature (Acrobat Pro XI) Category: Adobe Acrobat Pro XI Sign a PDF using your signature To sign a PDF, you can type, draw, or insert an image of your handwritten signature. You can also add text, such as your name, company, title, or the date. When y... Upgrading Zoom to the latest version Category: General Zoom regularly provides new versions of the Zoom desktop client and mobile app to release new features and fix bugs. We recommend upgrading to the latest version when it is available to receive the be... Prioritise only Windows 10 Updates on your device Category: General You will notice this icon below on the right of your taskbar. If you click on it, it will open the window below “Windows Update” Please click on “Stay on Windows 10 for Now”. This will move it to t... What credentials should I use to logon to my UWC library account and Alma account Category: General New Students 1st time and First Year UWC students, including students who have been assigned new student numbers when registering for the 2021 academic year. § Username: student number e.g. 4112117 §... Changing or resetting your Gmail password Category: General Changing your Gmail password Open your Google Account. You might need to sign in. Click on the Google Apps icon Click on “Account” Under "Security," select Signing in to Google. Choose Password. You... Changing or Resetting your Network Password Category: General Changing or Resetting your Network Password If your password doesn’t work or if you need to change it for whatever reason. You can do so at the following website. When on ...